Mar 1, 2007

Sorry, No Pics

Well, sorry for the picture lovers but there will be none for this week. I ended up in labor and delivery last night after having contractions that were about 7 min apart. So, Ben and I got to stay for 4 hours while they checked everything out. And, I was having contractions which was kind of a relief to me that I wasn't going nuts. In fact, I was having many more than I was feeling. However, I am not progressing which means everything's still "sealed". So, lucky me, I will continue having them until d-day! They also gave me a fetal fibronectin test which tells if you will deliver within the next two weeks. And, mine was "negative". So, looks like I'll make it another few weeks. But, the midwife did strongly suggest I "slow down", a.k.a. cut my work days. Well, for those of you that know me, you know that's not happening easily so I have her talked down to me leaving a few hours early and trying to work from home as much as possible.

They did do a sono but the hospital wasn't sharing their pics. But, Rachel is doing fine. She's measuring at about 35 weeks (4.5-5 lbs, 18") and was moving like a crazy woman. Until next Thursday!

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