Feb 24, 2007

Gotta love the face

Well, Rachel cooperated a little more for her 33 week photo op so we could see more of her face. Though she also showed us that, yes, she does have a tongue and knows how to use it (see photo below). The appointment went well; she jumped around a lot which made the non-stress test go a lot faster.

We're still guessing as to when this little bundle of joy will appear. However, I was having Braxton-Hicks contractions last night (PS, which are not fun) and my midwife said that in another TWO WEEKS they wouldn't try to stop labor anyway because I'll be at 36 weeks. I guess I still am looking at 40 like it's a given deadline, but I suppose anytime after 36 is considered "on time". So, will she be more of a St. Patrick's baby, an Easter baby or born on her daddy's birthday? Despite the requests from family and friends born between March and May, I'm hoping she picks a birthday that's all her own.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

is that dark hair i see?

i love the tongue one!