Mar 9, 2007

35, er 36 weeks?

Well, after having contractions all day on Wednesday, I called to ask when I should be concerned since I've been having them for 3 weeks now. After getting passed around a few times they determined that I shouldn't worry because I was 36 weeks. I, of course, told them that they must have the wrong patient because I was only 34 weeks (as of Mar. 7). And, then they told me that when I was in getting my sono the Wednesday before at the hospital that they measured her at 35 weeks which would put me at 36 weeks on March 6. So, now that I have no idea when I'm due (guessing April 3. And, I guess I'm not supposed to worry about being in labor. However, I am still concerned that I will have no idea when I am in "real" labor without my water breaking or the baby actually coming out. That should make for an exciting time!

I had my ?week appointment this Thursday complete with non-stress and sono (pictures coming). Rachel's heart rate dropped when I had one of my bigger contractions and set off all sorts of alarms. However, they said it's nothing to worry about. Now, I don't know about you, but when I hear an alarm going off and watch her heart rate drop, it seemed like something I should be concerned about. But, they are the experts. So, another week down and a maximum of six to go (if I go to 42 weeks!)

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