Mar 19, 2007

No St. Pat's Baby

Well, this weekend came and went without event. Darn! I was hoping for a St. Pat's baby! Last Thursday's checkup was good. Rachel's heart rate was back up to normal and her NST was very good (though she moves too much and they have to keep adjusting the monitor). She would not cooperate on the photo end so no pics again this week. However, and without going into a lot of detail, things are beginning to happen that indicate the onset of labor. BUT, depending on what book you read, there are big disclaimers that say things such as "this may indicate labor is beginning or it may be weeks away". So much for predictive medicine. They did say that I am 80% effaced and 1 cm dialated so we're at least moving in the right direction. My mother-in-law took pictures of my wonderful little basketball shaped figure so I will post those as soon as I get them. At least I don't look like I did last time! (For those of you who didn't know me then, it was quite a site to see....I gained about 100 lbs because of toxemia and looked like a blimp.) This time I'm carrying all in front. Anyway, another week down and a maximum of 5 possible!

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