Mar 29, 2007

Impatiently Waiting

Yes, I know I am not overdue but I am contracting every two minutes (as confirmed by my non-stress test), still 2 cm and 80% effaced. NO PROGRESS!!! They gave me more "stuff" to try. But, I am still here anxiously waiting and getting uncomfortable. So, yes I'm impatient! And, I can't fit behind the steering wheel :) I'll keep you posted!

Mar 22, 2007

We're getting there

So, after a "I think this is it" on Tuesday when contractions were 6 minutes apart for 4 hours, I have to say I'm disappointed that she's not here yet! We're sitting at about 2 cm and 90% effaced as of this it's all a waiting game. Though, after telling my midwife that I would rather have a self administered c-section rather than be induced with pitocin, she gave me a few suggestions on getting this process moving--raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil. So, off to the co-op we go! Baby is doing well but if this is any indication of her temperment, I'm in big trouble. Stay tuned!

We're getting there

So, after a "I think this is it" on Tuesday when contractions were 6 minutes apart for 4 hours, I have to say I'm disappointed that she's not here yet! We're sitting at about 2 cm and 90% effaced as of this it's all a waiting game. Though, after telling my midwife that I would rather have a self administered c-section rather than be induced with pitocin, she gave me a few suggestions on getting this process moving--raspberry leaf tea and evening primrose oil. So, off to the co-op we go! Baby is doing well but if this is any indication of her temperment, I'm in big trouble. Stay tuned!

Mar 19, 2007

No St. Pat's Baby

Well, this weekend came and went without event. Darn! I was hoping for a St. Pat's baby! Last Thursday's checkup was good. Rachel's heart rate was back up to normal and her NST was very good (though she moves too much and they have to keep adjusting the monitor). She would not cooperate on the photo end so no pics again this week. However, and without going into a lot of detail, things are beginning to happen that indicate the onset of labor. BUT, depending on what book you read, there are big disclaimers that say things such as "this may indicate labor is beginning or it may be weeks away". So much for predictive medicine. They did say that I am 80% effaced and 1 cm dialated so we're at least moving in the right direction. My mother-in-law took pictures of my wonderful little basketball shaped figure so I will post those as soon as I get them. At least I don't look like I did last time! (For those of you who didn't know me then, it was quite a site to see....I gained about 100 lbs because of toxemia and looked like a blimp.) This time I'm carrying all in front. Anyway, another week down and a maximum of 5 possible!

Mar 9, 2007

35, er 36 weeks?

Well, after having contractions all day on Wednesday, I called to ask when I should be concerned since I've been having them for 3 weeks now. After getting passed around a few times they determined that I shouldn't worry because I was 36 weeks. I, of course, told them that they must have the wrong patient because I was only 34 weeks (as of Mar. 7). And, then they told me that when I was in getting my sono the Wednesday before at the hospital that they measured her at 35 weeks which would put me at 36 weeks on March 6. So, now that I have no idea when I'm due (guessing April 3. And, I guess I'm not supposed to worry about being in labor. However, I am still concerned that I will have no idea when I am in "real" labor without my water breaking or the baby actually coming out. That should make for an exciting time!

I had my ?week appointment this Thursday complete with non-stress and sono (pictures coming). Rachel's heart rate dropped when I had one of my bigger contractions and set off all sorts of alarms. However, they said it's nothing to worry about. Now, I don't know about you, but when I hear an alarm going off and watch her heart rate drop, it seemed like something I should be concerned about. But, they are the experts. So, another week down and a maximum of six to go (if I go to 42 weeks!)

Mar 1, 2007

Sorry, No Pics

Well, sorry for the picture lovers but there will be none for this week. I ended up in labor and delivery last night after having contractions that were about 7 min apart. So, Ben and I got to stay for 4 hours while they checked everything out. And, I was having contractions which was kind of a relief to me that I wasn't going nuts. In fact, I was having many more than I was feeling. However, I am not progressing which means everything's still "sealed". So, lucky me, I will continue having them until d-day! They also gave me a fetal fibronectin test which tells if you will deliver within the next two weeks. And, mine was "negative". So, looks like I'll make it another few weeks. But, the midwife did strongly suggest I "slow down", a.k.a. cut my work days. Well, for those of you that know me, you know that's not happening easily so I have her talked down to me leaving a few hours early and trying to work from home as much as possible.

They did do a sono but the hospital wasn't sharing their pics. But, Rachel is doing fine. She's measuring at about 35 weeks (4.5-5 lbs, 18") and was moving like a crazy woman. Until next Thursday!