Oct 17, 2007

Why I Hate My PCP's Office Staff Part II

I showed up for Rachel's six month appointment at 11 a.m. today only to be told that the appointment is tomorrow at 11 a.m.

Now, I have an appointment at 11 tomorrow, which was scheduled after my first OB followup appointment so I know that it has been in my planner forever.

Why would I schedule Rachel's appointment for that day? So, I say to the receptionist, "Well, how are we going to fix this?" And, she says, "I don't know. I wasn't the one who showed up on the wrong day." EXCUSE ME?

Then, I think she caught herself. "Let's look at the schedule and see when we can reschedule you for." Yeah, do you think?

So, we begin looking at dates and every day or time she gave I couldn't do. And, then, like icing on a cake she peers over her reading glasses and says sternly, "You're going to have to work with me to get this scheduled." What exactly does one say to that?

"Really? Because up until this point, I've been trying to see how long until you snap. Looks like I've done it. Now, let's get down to business."

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