Oct 2, 2007

Talking, or whatever you call it

Ahhheeee. Agggeeee. Ahhhgh.

Yes, the words of a 6-month old. She talks non-stop to anyone and anything. Usually flailing her arms and legs and screaming between "words".

I read online today that a 6-month old should be able to have noticable words "da", "ma", "ga". Though she doesn't do that quite yet, it's coming. Endless babble flows, mostly with her hand wedged inside her mouth.

Still no teeth yet. They are also coming.

She's getting up on her knees but usually has her head down. Or she's on her hands but butt is down. Ahh, the complicated combination that will open the door to mobility (and the rooms we've been keeping her out of).

It happens so fast. I half expect her to walk into the room one day with a "Hey, mom".

Someone once told me that we spend the first year telling them to stand up, walk and talk and we spend the rest of their lives telling them to sit down and shut up.

Profound, I do think.

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