Jun 5, 2007

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'

So, curious me wondered when babies roll over. And, after a Google search I found a site that said babies may be able to roll over from front to back as early as two months. "By George! she's two months," I thought, "let's give it a whirl." And, wouldn't you know, she flipped right over. I guess this also is my admittance that I do not give her enough tummy time! This opens up a whole new world of being cautious when we're changing her and leaving her on the bed, etc. I guess they don't flip from back to front until four months so I have a little more time before she begins barrelrolling through the house.

As proof, (and since I finally learned how to add video to the blog), I have posted a short clip.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what an accomplishment!!!!