Jun 7, 2007


We had an emergency this morning that nearly killed us both...yes, it's true, we lost Rachel's pacifier. Now, we have nearly 10 others scattered throughout the house and you'd better believe I tried each of them. I tried feeding her, rocking her...anything I could think of. But no pacifier, no peace. FINALLY, I found it under her co-sleeper, wedged between her bed and the wall. Got it rinsed it "plugged it in" and ahhhh. She was asleep in about 2 minutes.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

And that is why when I realized that the NICU pacifier was the only one Claire wanted, I tracked down the medical supply company and ordered a case! (We sent one or two to Katie & Lily!)

I'm enjoying reading your blog, and taking encouragement from the fact that you came back from preeclampsia to have a second, healthy pregnancy. Congrats!