Jun 4, 2007

2 Month Check-Up

"Little" Rachel weighed in at 13lb3oz and 23.5" and is perfectly healthy according to our favorite pediatrician at our 2 month check-up... that would be the 95th percentile, so I guess she's getting enough to eat!

Bath Time (how does her arm bend that way?)

She has been getting more and more alert every day and has taken to her bouncy seat (the one that vibrates) and has just started getting interested in her activity gym though it scares her when her hand accidentially hits Elmo or Big Bird which are hanging and they begin to swing or make noise.

Playing with Big Bird and Elmo
She's sleeping a little longer (which does not mean I feel more rested). In fact, last night she slept six hours straight! She continues to try to suck her thumb but mostly settles for her hand since she hasn't quite figured out how to coordinate sticking her thumb out, putting it in her mouth and not stabbing herself with her own fingernail.

We've also decided that we should begin a resume for her. I'm still working (from home) but we've been cutting commercials and working on several other projects. She has experience supervising commercial production and edit, media buying, Web site design and edit, print advertising copywriting and placement and writing policies. I'm pretty impressed! I made the comment the other day that she cut her first commercials before she cut her first teeth. And, to brag about what a good baby she is...she sat through four hours of TV edits, twice! What a trooper! I'll make a PR pro out of her yet!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i love the new profile picture. great post. :)