Sep 19, 2008

The Attitude

While I've been busy reading everyone else's blogs I've been ignoring my very own! I'll try to do the best I can to bring you up-to-speed on our "little" bundle of "joy".

Rachel, well she's her own woman these days. Remember that high pitched scream she was working on a few months ago? Well she's mastered it and now has amplification behind it. Oh, the joy. She's just shy of 18 months and is doing all sorts of age approproate things. Notably, we've had quite the addition to our vocab over the last month or so to now include--ice, nice, pizza (a testament to the fact that I've been in charge of dinner lately), oh no, school (sool more like), buh-bye, Aiden, granpa, granmama, Noah, Mogan (Morgan), mulk (milk), juice, wa-wa, buue (blue), geen (green), red, piper (diaper) and a few more I'm sure.

Rachel is now going to a sitter every day so I can actually get work done. Her sitter is AWESOME! And, Rachel loves the kids there so it's really great.

We're just starting into the color identification--she knows red and everything else in her world is "buue".she likes anything of Ethan's MUCH more than her own stuff and is always willing to share--meaning you share whatever you're doing or eating with her. She has 12 teeth already and four more on the way.

She has enjoyed summer immensely, especially the new jungle gym in the backyard and picked raspberries and blueberries.

Well that's all for now...must get to work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's about time! glad to hear the update (even though I sort of knew it all already anyway)