May 14, 2007

Mother's Day 2007

Happy Mommy's Day to all those who have kiddos! Ethan asked us yesterday why there was a Mother's Day. Of course I chimed in with "a day to honor your favorite person in the whole world....your mom". Ben's answer was a little different but probably more true..."Hallmark".

I thought as a tribute to Mother's Day 2007, I would post pictures of the other moms in Rachel's life....Her Nana (my mom)-top and her Grandma (Ben's mom) - bottom

What is it with grandmas and only having pictures when the baby is asleep. I scoured my photo library for photos of both of them and in all of them, Rach is sleeping!

Rachel turned 6 weeks old on Mother's Day. I can't believe it's been that long already. And, I can't believe how much she's changed in that short time. She's started smiling... and attempts to laugh but you have to work with her. Though at 4 a.m. she's usually wide awake and will smile at just about anything (if you can keep your eyes open).

And, finally she also has transitioned from that "cute baby cry" to the full out screams!

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