Apr 12, 2007

April Fool's Baby!

Rachel Elizabeth finally arrived on April Fool's Day (and her aunt's b-day!) weighing in at 8lb3oz and a disputable 19.75". Labor and delivery went as well as could be expected (I'll spare you the details!), but I have to say that a 4-pounder (Ethan) and an 8-pounder feel about the same on their way out ;)

She is beautiful, healthy and at her check up on Wednesday has already gained another 6oz and miraculously an inch (I think the hospital measured wrong because she is loooong). She is a very good baby--sleeps 6 hours at night, never cries...oh wait...maybe -- is up every 2 hours and has a set of lungs on her is a little more accurate. But, we'll keep her anyway.

Big brother Ethan is doing very well with Rachel. He loves to hold her and she seems to think he's pretty cool too. Though he has been a little jealous of mommy spending too much time with the baby.

Now that I am up and around, I'll try post a little more often. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

1 comment:

kristin said...

ahhhhh- i love the pics. :D