Feb 24, 2007

Gotta love the face

Well, Rachel cooperated a little more for her 33 week photo op so we could see more of her face. Though she also showed us that, yes, she does have a tongue and knows how to use it (see photo below). The appointment went well; she jumped around a lot which made the non-stress test go a lot faster.

We're still guessing as to when this little bundle of joy will appear. However, I was having Braxton-Hicks contractions last night (PS, which are not fun) and my midwife said that in another TWO WEEKS they wouldn't try to stop labor anyway because I'll be at 36 weeks. I guess I still am looking at 40 like it's a given deadline, but I suppose anytime after 36 is considered "on time". So, will she be more of a St. Patrick's baby, an Easter baby or born on her daddy's birthday? Despite the requests from family and friends born between March and May, I'm hoping she picks a birthday that's all her own.

Feb 15, 2007

32 Weeks!

We'll here we are at t-minus 2 months (no, I'm not kidding. and yes, I feel like I've been pregnant forever!). I have to go to the doctors every week from this point for an ultrasound and a non-stress test because of the pre-eclempsia from last time. And, as an added bonus, today's appointmented ended with me getting a doppler done to check for DVT. No worries, all was good.

I asked my midwife about my increasing size...specifically that I'm HUGE. So I asked my midwife if I was of normal "belly" size. When she stopped laughing, she looked at my chart and guess what..I'm carrying about 2 times the normal amniotic fluid. Which, come to find out, is not a bad thing; they just don't like it when you only have half. So, little Rachel has a swimming pool in my stomach. Let's hope that I don't just tip over one of these days. Anyway, Rachel is fine. Measuring right on for 32 weeks and is about 4 lbs, 7 oz and is in the 55% of baby's at this gestational age.

This 3-D photo is a little better because she actually has fat (see the 20 week pics below). However, she wouldn't put her arm down so you can only see one side of her face. But, it was enough for me to determine she looks like a Corbin. Just look at those cheeks! We'll I'll post more next week after the appt.

Feb 14, 2007


The Before
The photos are from L to R: 8 weeks gestation, 13 weeks and then the last three are at 20 weeks gestation. The third and fourth are the new 3D sonos or as my brother calls them the "burn victim" pictures. You have to admit they are kind of scary! I guess a baby with no fat will look like this.