Apr 1, 2008

Happy birthday!

First, I'll blame the lack of posting on the fact that our camera cable has gone bye-bye. I just had little motivation to post without pictures. Thanks to Rachel's Aunt Beth, we now have photos so I'll post. Oh, and today just happens to be a very important day!!!!

I really can't explain how fast this year has gone. I mean, we all like to say "It seems like just yesterday..." but REALLY! it seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home. Now, we have this little girl who can communicate with us (albeit in sign language), can get around by herself and who makes us laugh every day. It's just amazing.

Well, Rachie is crawling like a mad woman but not really interested in the whole walking thing. She will pull/push herself up to standing from anywhere that is over 1inch and will walk finger-assisted but still has wobbly-leg syndrome.

She has really started to happy jabber and can say a whole list of words: da-da, E, papa, nana, on, mo (more), yea, no, and ufuf (dog). She also says a whole lot of other things that I'm sure mean something to her but don't mean a whole lot to us. However, baby sign is a savior! She can sign or make some consistent gesture for: cup, more, no, yes, bye-bye/hi, thank you, poop (thank you Ethan for that one), bath, dog, water, one, eat, stinky and pretty. Interesting combo, eh?

She's still not sleeping through the night but we're going to try a technique given to us by Rachel's friend Lily who is now the sleeping champ. I think it will also help once we begin to wean her, and by "we" I mean me and anyone else who can hold her down so she doesn't attack me. By the way, she is saying ma-ma but she uses it to refer to her favorite food source. I guess that really is what I am to her!

I take her for her one-year checkup tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll have another post soon.