Jan 9, 2008

Giving us the finger

Merry Christmas! And, Happy New Year's!

Well, since my last post, which was over a month ago, a lot has happened. Surprise, surprise!

Rachel is now really crawling and pulling herself up on anything that is greater than 1" off the ground. She can stand up in the middle of the room by herself and lets go of the object she was holding on to and will stand alone for a little while. But, her "sea legs" tell us it will be awhile before we see real first steps.

She's getting more teeth. To date, she has the bottom center teeth. It looks like ones on either side will be coming in next followed quickly by the top centers.

She gives us the finger all the time...the pointing finger that is. Her pointer fingers are constantly out and she will point at everything. Sometimes it's helpful (like when she points at one of three dishes that we're feeding her from) but othertimes it's frustrating because she knows what she wants and I can't figure it out. She also uses the finger to shake at me when she's doing something she's not supposed to (I shake my finger and say "no, no" when correcting her). Unfortunately, she then laughs so I'm not thinking our discipline is being understood (yes, I know she is too little).

She now has said: dada, mum-mum, no (kinda), papa, hey, hi, and she growls like a bear/tiger/lion/daddy in the morning (ha!) or whatever I prompt her with.

She gives BIIIGG hugs, especially to Ethan and slobbery wet kisses to anyone who wants one. She is getting a little bit better with stranger shyness (strangers being anyone other than mom, dad or Ethan). She loves her bath and acts like quite the little lady while in the water, not! She splashes wildly, attempts to drink half the water and knocks over any bottles she can get her fingers on.

She's sleeping through the night (8:30-6ish) but still cries everytime we put her in her crib awake and everytime she wakes up. She has quite the set of lungs on her. Her volume and pitch are very, um, unique. She will let you know when she doesn't like what you're doing and definitely objects when you take a toy away--in the form of throwing herself backwards regardless of where she is and using that "unique" scream.

Other than that, it's business as usual. We're hoping she avoids this terrible illness that Ethan has. We're waiting to hear back from the docs as to what it is that he has--probably influenza but maybe pneumonia. I think they're a little jumpy and really he just has a bad cold. But, better safe than sorry.

The next post promises to have pictures and/or a video so you can see that really my children are alive and well. Until then...