Nov 3, 2007

6, er , 7 month check-up

Due to several scheduling snafus, Rachel's six-month check ended up being at seven months. She's very healthy, 19lbs, 26.75" and 17.23" head circumference which is the 78th, 53rd and 73rd percentiles. And, someone told me she was "so small" yesterday. I asked if she had ever seen a baby before ;)

This month was eventful. She is now sitting very well and able to go from her belly to a sitting position. She also has learned she can pull herself up on things and that her crib mattress really is a great trampoline! She got her first tooth on Oct. 16; the better to bite me while nursing with...and looks as though she's getting a few more. She learned how to wave bye-bye (whole arm wave) and can say hi though I really don't think she knows what it means. However, whenever she is on my lap while we're reading other baby's blogs, she'll wave at the baby and say hi about six thousand times.

I have also begun teaching her some simple signs--milk, eat, more, all done, cup and poop (you know all the important ones). Anyway, after her shots yesterday, I nursed her as usual and when I thought she was done, I started getting her ready to go. Let me tell you, she made the sign for milk like there was no tomorrow. Poor baby wasn't done :) But, I'm hoping this helps alleviate her grunting when she's not getting what she wants.

She also has learned how to bounce in a sitting position which can scoot her a little. However, the funnier thing is watching her reach for something in front of her, fold completely over, make the crawling motion with her hands but have her feet still stuck underneath (video forthcoming).

With the first one, you want them to hurry up and move--crawl, scoot, walk, whatever. But, with Rachel, I'm really happy right now knowing I can sit her down and she'll still be there when I get back. Over the next few weeks, Ben and I are going to have to baby-proof the house because I'm sure the inevitable is going to happen soon!