Sep 27, 2007

Peek a Boo


Brotherly love :) At least for now...I have a feeling that when she starts getting into his stuff, it may be a different story!

Sep 25, 2007

My Little Tigger

Rachel is quite active these days; sitting still is for the birds! She loves her scooter and "Johnny Jumper" (that's what they used to call it at least). Ethan would get to the point with the JJ that he would back up until his little tootsies would be barely touching the ground and then he would pick his feet up and SWING!!! She hasn't figured out she can do that yet but here's a video of one of her first attempts. And, yes, I know that the American Association of Pediatrics does not recommend using them. And, yes, I'm sure my son could have hurt himself. And, yes, I did watch him while he was in it. And, no, I don't use it as a baby sitter ;) Just thought I'd be proactive.

Oh, and I use a scooter, too. Tisk, tisk I know.

Sep 20, 2007

The Witchdoctor

So, after finding out that it's a virus and antibiotics will do no good, I turn to alternative medicine...the chiropractor.

Ben and I have been going to this chiropractor, who we fondly refer to as "The Witchdoctor", since we've been married. He's awesome, does great adjustments, provides us with advice and uses some interesting tactics.

When I told him that Rachel was sick, he did his "voodoo" tactics (okay, applied kinesiology to be specific) and said he suspects that she is not digesting her food as well as she should and believes she is a little adverse to carrots and peas. Her inability to digest causes a backup of the "poison" that should be passed through and causes illness.

He gave me some suggestions for vitamins that I would take (B12 and another supplement that I haven't received yet) and she will get passed to her through my breast milk.

I'll try anything once :) We'll see if it has an effect!

A No-Win Situation

Maybe I'm just a bad mother. Or maybe I have bad luck with pediatricians. But, everytime I seem to call when my kids are sick I am the one who ends up feeling awful.

If you don't call, you feel bad when you finally do call, go in and find out that they have a double ear infection. Then the nurse looks at me like I'm a bad mother. But, I also feel bad when I call and it's like it's a complete inconvenience for the nursing staff and a "how dumb are you?" conversation ensues. Or, you feel bad when you take them in and nothing is wrong, like you've just wasted their time (or at least that's how they make you feel).

Case in point...

Rachel has been running a 100-101 fever since Thursday. On Monday afternoon, the temp goes up to 102. I don't like giving my kids Tylenol unless they really need it but after a lot of lukewarm baths, cold compress, etc. and no resolve, I give her a dose of Tylenol to which the fever drops to 101 and then rebounds three hours later (it's a 4 hr dose). I continue with the Tylenol but on Tuesday morning she doesn't eat but two spoonfuls of cereal and a sip of milk. So, on Tuesday afternoon I call.

Here's the conversation:
*answering machine picks up* "Thank you for calling..blah blah blah...we're updating our medical records so we're limiting patient visits" Great. "Our nurses will triage for the situation...blah blah blah". I hit a number which goes to VM. I try again. Same thing. Finally, I hit the magic zero and get a live person who sounds pissed that I even called in.

Me: (already feeling bad for calling considering it's obviously a bother since they're doing that medical record thing) "Hi, my name is Meghan and my daughter, Rachel, is a patient ...."
Her: (cuts me off) "Date of birth"
Me: "APril 1, 2007"
Her: "Your name"
Me: "Um, Meghan"
Her: "Reason for calling"
Me: (Impressed how "efficient" she is being...oh wait, that's her being rude) "Well, she has been running a temp since Thursday, etc. (See above for details).
Her: "I'm sure it's teeth"
Me: "Well, I just thought since her temp went up to 102 and doesn't seem to be responding to Tylenol and she's really not eating and seems really tired that...
Her: "102 is a low grade temp"
Me: (in my head) "Since when!" (really) "Oh, well, with my son, the doctor told me anything over 101 was a fever?"
Her: "Uh, huh" (obviously irritated that I am still on the phone)
Me: "Okay, well, I just thought I should call" (feeling stupid)
Her: "You can bring her in at 2:45 if you want but that's the only appointment that we have today because we're changing to electronic medical records."
Me: (there's the medical records thing again) "Okay, that should work.. I'll ..."
Her: "You'll be seeing the nurse practitioner" (as if to talk me out of it)
Me: That's fine. I'll..
Her: Okay, bye. (Hangs up)

Nice huh? Well, Rachel was fine, just a virus they suspect or teeth. So, I feel stupid for taking her. I always feel like they're looking at me like I'm dumb when there's nothing wrong. Oh, well. Better know than her be really sick I guess.

I suppose I just can't win.