Jul 26, 2007

Rolling Part II

Though I tried to get a video of Rachel starting on her back and rolling to her front, this is the best I could get after running and getting the camera. Then, of course she wouldn't do it again. So, really I didn't start her on her side.

Jul 22, 2007

Because I'm cute

Just because it's a cute outfit, I thought I'd take a picture. Her great-aunt and uncle Barbie and Steve got this for her.

Big Girl

Look at me! My first big girl bath!

Jul 19, 2007

Good Morning to You, Too!

We have a morning ritual that involves Rachel laying on my stomach (tummy time!) and talking to me. She usually gets excited, yells and shoves her hands in her mouth (hey, to each their own I guess). Anyway, this morning we were chatting and she got excited except this time she stuck her fingers too far down her throat and well, you can guess what happened.

I'm just thankful my mouth wasn't open.

Jul 17, 2007

Does this count?

Rachel rolled over from back to front yesterday so now she's really dangerous considering she has the potential to barrel roll across the house. Will she do it? Probably not but the potential is there. In other news, and because I love to push the envelope, I decided to see what would happen if I sat her up. Why not? Here's the results...

Jul 16, 2007


Yes, we're still here. Just back from a lengthy, much needed vacation. For the record, if you have a three month old and your car air conditioning quits on hour 2 of a 12 hour trip, park the car and rent another. We drove to Washington, DC, and Outer Banks, NC, with no air. To make it even better, the forecast was 90+ and humid. Then, it rained on the way to DC so we had to roll the windows up! AHHHH!!!! Never again. But, the vacation was wonderful and the trip home was much cooler and therefore much better.

(above) Dad, Ethan and Rachel and Mr. Lincoln

(below) Happy Fourth of July

Rachel had her first taste of the ocean and wasn't too sure about it but had a good time otherwise. She got passed from person to person (we went with my family) and was very good. We think she's teething considering the slobber increase and the fact we haven't seen her fingers in a few days because they've been wedged inside her mouth!